Designed and built for Lake Magdalene United Methodist Church, Tampa Florida
By Victor Berthelsdorf
The Rose Window, often associated with great cathedrals, is not named because of its color but because of its shape which resembles a rose in full bloom. The predominant color is a rich, brilliant blue, with flashes of red, gold, and harmonizing colors. The outer border is symbolic of the creation, the heavens, and earth.
The central theme of the large, twelve-point South Rose Window is the Old Testament. The South Rose Window
’s message is the foundation of our faith in Christ.For this reason, approximately three feet from the window's center, beginning at the seven o'clock position and running clockwise, is the verse:
Hear O Israel The Lord Our God Is One Lord
At the center of the window is the Lamp, a symbol of everlasting faith, and a symbol of Jesus Christ.
Alternating within the inner petals are symbols for the tower of clouds which the Israelites followed in the desert by day, and the tower of flames which led them during the night.
The twelve outer petals contain symbols from the Old Testament, starting with the Creation at the eleven o’ clock position, and ending with the Nativity.
The Creation -----------------------------------The Fall Of Man
The Deluge ------------------------------------------ Abraham & Isaac
Joseph Of Egypt ---------------------------------The Call Of Moses
The Ten Commandments ----------------------------The Arc Of Covenant
Star of David--------------------------------------------- Solomon
Isaiah -------------------------------------------------The Nativity
Contact Kaleidoscope Glass Works at:
Victor (at) kaleidoscope-glass (dot) com
Photos and designs, unless otherwise noted, by V.
Berthelsdorf & © by Kaleidoscope Glass Works 2002.